Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Post, Getting Organized

So I have had it with being obese. I am so over it. I have this idea that if I lose a significant amount of weight, I can stop taking all these medicines. I have diabetes medicines and high blood pressure medicine. A few months ago, I was weighing at the most I have ever weighed in my life ! I saw 234 !! Yikes ! I am 5'6". I like to blame this on the diabetes medicines I was on - in particular Actos.

Thank goodness my new endocrinologist offered me something else - Byetta. I lost 14 pounds ! But I also underwent surgery for fibroids and that's a whole other story ! After the surgery, I ran out of Byetta and gained several pounds back. It costs $300 per month and I couldn't afford it. I have insurance but they refused to pay for it. Finally, something that works with the potential to get me off meds and they won't help.

I have been begging and scrambling for weeks now just to get another sample. No such luck. My next endo appointment is Monday and I have already found a cheaper drug - Victoza - with the same benefits as Byetta. So we shall see what happens then.

In the meantime, I have been researching supplements and HCG to continue my weight loss program. Now last year I tried HCG. I ordered it from abroad and mixed it myself. Maybe that's why I got rashes from my injection sites !

At any rate, the whole concept of HCG makes sense to me. After all, I lost weight while I was pregnant. It was so easy to eat healthy ! I ate an apple almost every day the first few months. After I had my child, I weighed less than before I got pregnant. So I know it will work for me as long as I get the right mixture.

I joined a group on yahoo for HCG dieters last year. It is HUGE. So it is hard to get questions answered and easy to get overwhelmed. Last week I joined a forum for lowcarbers. This place is much more friendly and supportive. Between the two, I hope to get questions answered and support for this journey.

So what are my goals for this blog ? To be open and honest about my mission. To hold my feet to the fire and not give up. To track what I'm doing and not lose focus. And hopefully, someone will come along and read this and join me if it turns out to be beneficial.

Off to do more research ! Although, I ordered a sample of HCG last week, it is taking its sweet time getting here. I may order from eBay in hopes to get one quicker.